Professional Android Sensor Programming

Professional Android Sensor Programming

Greg Milette, Adam Stroud

Language: English

Pages: 552

ISBN: 1118183487

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Learn to build human-interactive Android apps, starting with device sensors

This book shows Android developers how to exploit the rich set of device sensors—locational, physical (temperature, pressure, light, acceleration, etc.), cameras, microphones, and speech recognition—in order to build fully human-interactive Android applications. Whether providing hands-free directions or checking your blood pressure, Professional Android Sensor Programming shows how to turn possibility into reality.

The authors provide techniques that bridge the gap between accessing sensors and putting them to meaningful use in real-world situations. They not only show you how to use the sensor related APIs effectively, they also describe how to use supporting Android OS components to build complete systems. Along the way, they provide solutions to problems that commonly occur when using Android's sensors, with tested, real-world examples. Ultimately, this invaluable resource provides in-depth, runnable code examples that you can then adapt for your own applications.

  • Shows experienced Android developers how to exploit the rich set of Android smartphone sensors to build human-interactive Android apps
  • Explores Android locational and physical sensors (including temperature, pressure, light, acceleration, etc.), as well as cameras, microphones, and speech recognition
  • Helps programmers use the Android sensor APIs, use Android OS components to build complete systems, and solve common problems
  • Includes detailed, functional code that you can adapt and use for your own applications
  • Shows you how to successfully implement real-world solutions using each class of sensors for determining location, interpreting physical sensors, handling images and audio, and recognizing and acting on speech

Learn how to write programs for this fascinating aspect of mobile app development with Professional Android Sensor Programming.

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location information immediately, the location information that is returned is cached. This may result in stale location data if the device has not received any location updates for a long period of time. It is possible for a user to turn off all location providers and then move several miles away before re-enabling the providers. To combat the possibility of stale data, the service checks the time on each cached location returned from LocationManager .getLastLocation() via the Location.getTime()

yAxisLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); yAxisLabel.setText(R.string.yAxisLabel); yAxis.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); yAxis.setText(String.valueOf(y)); zAxisLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); zAxisLabel.setText(R.string.zAxisLabel); zAxis.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); zAxis.setText(String.valueOf(z)); } private void showEventData(String label, String units, float value) { dataLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); dataLabel.setText(label); dataUnits.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); dataUnits.setText("(" +

Sensor Fusion Invensense’s Sensor Fusion algorithms are proprietary — Invensense as a company works with smartphone manufacturers to get their sensors and algorithms implemented — and the action happens behind the scenes during product development, so these algorithms are not available for developers to use. Developers just use Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION on participating devices. Older devices, non-participating devices, or devices using a different brand of gyroscope (which includes most devices

Android’s sensing capabilities will only improve over time and continue to be an important component in many apps. This book arms you with the knowledge and code you need to use these capabilities to create great apps. ANDROID SENSING PLAYGROUND APP This book comes with an app called Android Sensing Playground. The app enables you to execute most of the applications and example code from this book and also utilize “playgrounds” which allow you to observe the relevant APIs working under various

parameter settings. Download the app from Google Play here: details?id=root.gast.playground. GREAT ANDROID SENSING TOOLKIT (GAST) The code in this book is part of an open source project called Great Android Sensing Toolkit (GAST). The latest updates and code are available on Github at the following link: https:// xxx flast.indd xxx 5/10/2012 2:17:56 PM INTRODUCTION SOURCE CODE As you work through the examples in this book, you may

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