Pro Unity Game Development with C#

Pro Unity Game Development with C#

Alan Thorn

Language: English

Pages: 348

ISBN: 1430267461

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In Pro Unity Game Development with C#, Alan Thorn, author of Learn Unity for 2D Game Development and experienced game developer, takes you through the complete C# workflow for developing a cross-platform first person shooter in Unity. C# is the most popular programming language for experienced Unity developers, helping them get the most out of what Unity offers. If you're already using C# with Unity and you want to take the next step in becoming an experienced, professional-level game developer, this is the book you need.

Whether you are a student, an indie developer, or a season game dev professional, you'll find helpful C# examples of how to build intelligent enemies, create event systems and GUIs, develop save-game states, and lots more.

You'll understand and apply powerful programming concepts such as singleton classes, component based design, resolution independence, delegates, and event driven programming.

By the end of the book, you will have a complete first person shooter game up and running with Unity. Plus you'll be equipped with the know-how and techniques needed to deploy your own professional-grade C# games.

If you already know a bit of C# and you want to improve your Unity skills, this is just the right book for you.

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Started As seen in Figure 2-7, when the Generate Lightmap UVs check box is enabled, additional options are revealed in the inspector, which influence the generation process. Typically, if your meshes are hard-angled environment meshes—with sharper 90 degree turns and corners—then the default settings will likely prove sufficient. If your meshes are organic, curved, spherical, and smooth, then better lightmap UVs can usually be generated with higher values for the Hard Angle setting. For CMOD,

Preparing 3 Figure 1-1. The game to be created—Crazy Mad Office Dude In this game, the Player must struggle against its tyrannical employer (the Corporation), which, being incredibly evil, is holding back on paying the Player his due salary—many months’ worth of money. So the Player, understandably enraged, must explore the Corporation’s office environment (the Level ), collecting Cash Power-Ups, which are scattered around. The aim is to reclaim the Player’s salary in full, and maybe a bit

trivial optimization, hardly worth pursuing perhaps, but the aggregate improvements this can make over time, across many possible transform calls, can be considerable. So I recommend using Cached Transforms wherever possible; they’re quick and easy to implement. We’ll be using them here, for creating Billboards. Billboards and Rotation For a sprite to truly act as a Billboard, it needs to continually rotate (around the Y axis) to face the game camera, wherever it may be in the scene (see Figure

to avoid enemies collecting power-ups, we coded OnTriggerEnter to verify the colliding objects’ tag, ensuring it was marked as player. To ensure our player object, and its First Person Controllers, work in conjunction with that functionality, we’ll need to tag the relevant objects as player. Since the desktop and mobile First Person Controllers are implemented slightly differently, we’ll need to tag different GameObjects in each one. For the desktop First Person Controller, the root object

Response: There’s something true in this: code comments should be helpful. But, if they’re poorly written and needlessly lengthy, they do stand to be more of an obstacle than a help. However, this danger needn’t prevent us from using code comments altogether. It just reminds us to be careful and concise in our commenting, keeping them relevant and informative. So keep comments as short as possible and stick to the point. Note Code commenting need not be restricted to just standard, official

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