Jung Today: Adulthood (Psychology Research Progress Series)

Jung Today: Adulthood (Psychology Research Progress Series)

Language: English

Pages: 292

ISBN: 1607418932

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life

Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average

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in autumn when the analyst's mother passed away, and the sessions had to be cancelled suddenly. The analyst was particularly worried for Angela, thinking of the critical period she was passing through. She told her she would have to cancel the first sessions of the week for a sudden and important problem, but she would be there for the last session. Archetypal, Primary, Early 177 Even if involved in her grief, during those days the analyst thought about Angela regularly and with trepidation,

on the reflexive conscious, but knowledge related to an experience of spiritual regeneration, or to a “transforming knowledge” (ibid), that cannot be transmitted by one subject to another, because it is based on an internal experience that, if correctly 15 The gnosticism considered in this paragraph, is the “old” form, that was present around the Mediterranean in the second and third centuries AD, the study of which, although still difficult today, has been able to use indirect sources namely,

8 from an existential point of view, is the most typical feature of the disease” .[4] A TIMELESS COROLLARY: CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS AS ATTENTION I would like this clinical proposition to be understood in the light of what Nicoletti wrote in his essay on language a few years ago: “The experience of the unconscious [for which we are qualified as psychologists] is silent, and thought tries to break the original silence, to bring to language the truth of being that forms man as Da-sein.

pragmatic ethical issues in the consulting room, in our analytic organisations, and with our colleagues is a common concern that impacts directly on the core values of our profession. The more I have thought about the question of professional ethics in developmental and archetypal terms, the more I have realised that ethics matters are with us professionally all the time in the consulting room, day by day, hour by hour. Even though we are not necessarily made consciously aware of our ethical

thanks to a new transformational ability. Shifting the interpretative pivot into the transference process of the hic et nunc of the relationship, helps the therapist to establish the timing needed with the patient: it reactivates negotiation between the Self and core experiences, introducing a new way of experiencing. Interpretative timing thus conceived also contributes to modulating the very experience of taking in and developing. It places it in a process which in turn activates a new, double

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