Corporate Social Responsibility?: Human Rights in the New Global Economy

Corporate Social Responsibility?: Human Rights in the New Global Economy

Language: English

Pages: 392

ISBN: 022624430X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

With this book, Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly have assembled an essential toolkit to better understand how the notoriously ambiguous concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) functions in practice within different disciplines and settings. Bringing together cutting-edge scholarship from leading figures in human rights programs around the United States, they vigorously engage some of the major political questions of our age: what is CSR, and how might it render positive political change in the real world?
The book examines the diverse approaches to CSR, with a particular focus on how those approaches are siloed within discrete disciplines such as business, law, the social sciences, and human rights. Bridging these disciplines and addressing and critiquing all the conceptual domains of CSR, the book also explores how CSR silos develop as a function of the competition between different interests. Ultimately, the contributors show that CSR actions across all arenas of power are interdependent, continually in dialogue, and mutually constituted. Organizing a diverse range of viewpoints, this book offers a much-needed synthesis of a crucial element of today’s globalized world and asks how businesses can, through their actions, make it better for everyone. 

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day-to- day activities of government, civil society, development practice, and humanitarian intervention. Among its many aims and positions, it claims to quantify and qualify the “social impact” as well as the environmental and social corollaries of business in a particular space. CSR is both a conceptual framework of operation, strategy, and human relations and a corporate culture movement with a focus on ethical standards. These standards are a broad and largely self- defi ned set of devotions,

a contribution to fi nding a differentiated approach for corporations in modern- day economic globalization in a way that empowers vulnerable groups and incentivizes corporations to set aspirational goals for human rights on a voluntary basis that go beyond mere prescriptions of the law. Revisiting and potentially redefi ning CSR in light of past lessons requires striking a balance between soft and hard law implementation that is effective as well as sensitive to the implications for the

dozens of briefs addressing single charges and presenting the evidence and legal foundations for them. The more conscientious of the judges, as their extant papers show, went through these submissions with care. Given the volume of this material, little of it has been or will be published or known to today’s lawyers, and for ordinary purposes they are perfectly safe in relying on the published judgments and evidentiary samples. The significance of this material, however, is that Nuremberg judges

Corporate Responsibility (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1972). 3. 28 U.S.C. § 1350, part the Judiciary Act, Ch. 20, § 9, 1 Stat. 73 (1789). 4. Filártiga v. Peña-Irala, 630 F.2d 876 (2d Cir. 1980). 146 Jonathan A. Bush 5. Donald Earl Childress III, “The Alien Tort Statute, Federalism, and the Next Wave of International Law Litigation,” Georgetown Law Journal 100 (2012): 709, 713 (citing 150 cases). 6. The official report, including indictment, full transcript, judgment, and samples of

fi fth strategy, acquitting for extralegal reasons, because a defendant was personally virtuous as shown by testimonials from British or American friends or prominent churchmen or because he rescued individual Jews, can be seen in most defendants’ document books and may have influenced some judges, see, e.g., Taylor, Final Report, at 189, but is beyond legal analysis. Sometimes it could backfi re: Krupp testified that he built a hospital for his workers and that it was “a magnificent example” of

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