Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction

Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction

Language: English

Pages: 168

ISBN: 0192853465

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

"If you want to know what anthropology is, look at what anthropologists do," write the authors of Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction. This engaging overview of the field combines an accessible account of some of the discipline's guiding principles and methodology with abundant examples and illustrations of anthropologists at work.

Peter Just and John Monaghan begin by discussing anthropology's most important contributions to modern thought: its investigation of culture as a distinctively human characteristic, its doctrine of cultural relativism, and its methodology of fieldwork and ethnography. Drawing on examples from their own fieldwork in Indonesia and Mesoamerica, they examine specific ways in which social and cultural anthropology have advanced our understanding of human society and culture. Including an assessment of anthropology's present position, and a look forward to its likely future, Social and Cultural Anthropology will make fascinating reading for anyone curious about this social science.

About the Series: Combining authority with wit, accessibility, and style, Very Short Introductions offer an introduction to some of life's most interesting topics. Written by experts for the newcomer, they demonstrate the finest contemporary thinking about the central problems and issues in hundreds of key topics, from philosophy to Freud, quantum theory to Islam.

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sociobgical construct as a social phenomenon with a spedfiable structure and con ten t. No one wol,jd deny the reality of social dass, par ticularly In Industriai~ed socie ties.. For Karl Marx dass was the only social grouping that reflected politico-economic reality, regardless of whether Its members recognized t heir common interests and Identity, FOf Marx, one's soci,1i class was defined by one's relationship to 'OWI1efshlp of the means d production ', from which ali other social dynamics

couple d thin aocl mangy dogs'. with so li ttle change o f expresSion tha t the men ail jlaused before going o ff hooting with Laughter. john owes much o f wha t he knows abou t the MK tec to the Perez Sarabi

one found in today's United States i Constitution, The Maya, another Mesoamerican people, have a word " vinik, that. while originally translated as 'individual' by early Spanish I observers, tumed out on closer inspection to have a djfferent and more subtle set of references, In 1699 a Spanish priest and linguist, Father Fralldsco Varea, poIrted 01.( that the word vinik 'does not mean person . , . there Is no word in this litn9uage to say "my person" or "your person" ... (it means rather)

provides them wi th a means of fleshing out a technical economic activity into a richer and more S

keep writte n records 01 disputes settled by village elders. so this case and the great majolity 01cases would not appear In a form accessible to the hi storian wor1c~ ~ an archive. EYI"fI a hi storian v.tJo adopts the ethnographiC method s of an anthropologist and takes " down oral histories mig ht have difficulty in accessing th is case, for among the Oou Oonggo it Is an accepted pract ice that one never discusses a dispute after it has been sett led. Only because he was on the scene a t

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