300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions (Anthem Learning)

300 Creative Physics Problems with Solutions (Anthem Learning)

László Holics

Language: English

Pages: 538

ISBN: 0857284029

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This collection of exercises, compiled for talented high school students, encourages creativity and a deeper understanding of ideas when solving physics problems. Described as 'far beyond high-school level', this book grew out of the idea that teaching should not aim for the merely routine, but challenge pupils and stretch their ability through creativity and thorough comprehension of ideas.

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7. 2 kg e ncloses a 33 (" Ill hi gh air co lumn at 0 °C so th at there is a 7 Clll hi gh e mpty part above the pi ston as shown. The atm os phcri c press ure is ]0 N/CIlI 2 , the den siti es or 33 cm mercu ry and air in its initi al state are 13.6 g/C 1lI 3 and 1.8 g/d m J rcspec ti ve ly, the spcc ifi c heat of the air at 2 co nstant vo lume is 0. 7,J /(g I< ). Usc g= 101ll /S a) Mc rc ury is po ured int o the empt y part above thL: piston unti l the cyli nder is ful l. Find thc mass of the

because if the , mg a object reac hes thi s po int at a greater speed than the Speeu whi ch bel o ngs to the crit ical case the n it will Surel y leave a finite segment of the path . .The qu esti on ca n be stated in the fol low in g way as well: What sho uld the initi al speed 01 an object whi ch sliues down on a smooth circ ul ar path of radiu s R be, so th at it it leaves th e path just as it desce nds from a hei ght o f "/ 2 '? Let th e speed of the object at the top of the path be V I, and

horizontal pulling force F = 12 N acts on the rod. Both cylinders roll without friction . ...l. 3 M d 8 1.2 Dy na mics 1. NIechanics Pro blem s a) Find the final speed of the rod , whe n it s leftmost end is exactl y above the axis of the left cy linder. b) Find the fri cti on force and the minimum coe ffici ent of fri cti o n required between the cylinders and the rod for pure rollin g. c) Find the minimum coefficient of fri cti on between the table and the cylinders. Problem 32. A cart

force is also meant to be part o f th is external force .) I tge·K I tge·K The figure on the left shows the forces exerted on a small object of negligible weight placed onto a horizontal plane. Let us apply Newton ' s second law to the boundary case when the object is in equilibrium. The equations for the components of the forces whic h are parallel and perpendicular to the surfaces are the following: F sin c: - /-LJ( = 0, F cosc: - J( = O. 108 (1) (2) -- 6. Mechanics So lu tions G.2

the ball s be fore and a fter the co lli sion respec ti ve ly. With respec t tuthe ce ntre o f ma ss, it ca n he conside red as if the two bodies (coll1i ng fro m two sides and arri vin g at th e salll e tim e) co llide with a wa ll o f inlinite mass (inl in ite bec au se the ce ntre o f Ill as s stays at rest). In case Df a totall y elasti c colli sion the ki netic e nergy docs not change , thu s (in both cases ) the speed s before and aft er the co ll isi uil are equ al. T hu s, 166 6.2 DYll

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