Towards a Critical Theory of Society (Volume 2) (Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse)

Towards a Critical Theory of Society (Volume 2) (Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse)

Herbert Marcuse

Language: English

Pages: 257

ISBN: 0415137810

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Through a rich collection of papers and letters, this book shows Marcuse at his most radical, focusing on his critical theory of contemporary society, his analysis of technology, capitalism, the fate of the individual, and prospects for social change in contemporary society.
ebook ISBN 0203206606

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negating categories expressing the essential contradiction to the given state of affairs. The category “society” itself expressed the acute conflict between the social and political sphere – society as antagonistic to the State. Similarly, “individual”, “class”, “private”, “family” denoted spheres and forces not yet integrated with the established conditions – spheres of tension and contradiction. With the growing integration of industrial society, these categories are losing their critical

improved continuation of the existing not-so-great society – after the latter has succeeded in cleansing itself of its sore spots and blemishes. Its ability to do so is assumed. But the scholar cannot grant the assumption without examination: we leave the speculation on the Great Society and return to the program for its construction, or rather for its preparation within the existing society. Foremost is the war on poverty. The critical literature on it already is so large that I can be brief in

the ruling class; (b) institutions such as the bourgeois family and repressive socialization processes which created authoritarian personalities who conformed to and accepted socially imposed domination; (c) culture and ideologies that defended, or transfigured, the existing society while mystifying social relations of domination; and (d) a totalitarian state which imposed its rule on the entire economic, social, political, and cultural system. Marcuse’s 1934 essay “The Struggle Against

choice can be formulated in the following question. Man’s reason, imagination, sensibility shall they be in the service of ever more efficient and prosperous servitude or rather or shall they serve to cut this link, releasing man’s faculties and his imagination and sensibility from this profitable bondage? I believe that the militant students have made this choice and they have paid dearly for it. Today the real possibilities of human freedom are so real and the crimes of the society which

crises engendered by its market system and protection against opposition to the system (i.e. the working-class parties). Fascism was not seen, in this interpretation, as a monstrous rupture with the liberal past; rather, Marcuse demonstrates the continuities between liberalism and fascism and shows how liberalism’s unquestioned allegiance to the capitalist economic system prepared the way for the fascist-totalitarian order and with it the abolition of liberalism itself. Marcuse and his colleagues

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