The Devil's Kiss (The Devil Series, Book 1)

The Devil's Kiss (The Devil Series, Book 1)

William W. Johnstone

Language: English

Pages: 204

ISBN: 0786010037

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

As the years pass, Black Wilder is waiting for just the right moment to emerge from the shadows in the small prairie town. The time is now, the beasts are hungry, the Undead are awake, and the putrid stench of evil hangs in the area. The townspeople are about to be touched by the Devil's kiss.

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command, but he did have some tricks still up his sleeve. "No!" Chester screamed out the one word of protest. "No! Damn you—NO!" Eyes went to the moonlit yard. Eyes filling with horror at the sight before them. John Benton stood with Faye Stokes, the woman covered with dirt from her newly-exited grave. Together, they grinned a ghastly smirk at the house. Benton lifted her funeral dress and fondled her. Chester went berserk with rage. It was all the men could do to restrain him, pinning him

in here, as if the glass and brick and wood had all combined to form a place of safety, not unlike the hollow of His hand. Sam sat in a pew. He sat for a long time, his head bowed, submitting to the weariness for a few moments. He was not praying, just allowing his thoughts to drift out and up, in the hope God would somehow hear, and give him instruction. Seated in the pew, Sam fell into a semidoze, his memories working, taking him back in time. Then sleep, brought on by nights of tossing and

yards. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into Chester's driveway. The male protector welled up in him as Sam first thought he would not tell Faye or Jane Ann what he had just seen. He would speak to Chester alone. But he quickly rejected that idea. The Stokes were not just strong people, they were strong Christian people, as was, Sam knew, Jane Ann. When Sam walked into the house, he could feel the tension in the room. Faye had been crying, her eyes red. Chester stood in the center of the den,

Wade's eyes widened. "This time? You mean there is going to be a next time?" "If it's not too late for us, we'll have to come back and destroy them. All of them, if possible. I think I know how—we'll use explosives." Wade's expression was a mixture of horror, fear, and utter disbelief. "If it's not too late for us? Destroy them? Explosives? Dear God!" "You must know it by now, Wade—whether you'll admit it or not—they killed your father; caused him to shoot himself. Your dad took his own life

maverick. "Pardon my bluntness," Sam said. "But what would you call it?" Wade shook his head. A light, airy sensation had overtaken him at the sight of all this sexual lay. He felt a slight erection begin to grow. He could not clear his head. "SAM!" he shouted the word. "Steady, Wade," the minister cautioned him. Fight it. All this is being done for our benefit, It's a stage show, set up by the devil. Fight it!" Wade closed his eyes, erasing the sight. "He never gives up, does he?" "No. Are

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