Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML5

Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML5

Mike Wooldridge

Language: English

Pages: 336

ISBN: 1118063325

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Make mark-up language more manageable with this visual guide

HTML5 is the next-generation of web standard mark-up language, and among other things, it offers amazing new avenues for incorporating multimedia into your sites. What easier way to master all of HTML5's new bells and whistles than with a guide that shows you, screenshot by screenshot, just what to do? Over a hundred tasks that web designers need to know most are explained using, full-color screenshots and how-to steps. From the easy stuff like revised new header and footer elements to complex updates such as canvas and audio, this guide covers the new, as well as most-commonly used, tags and features.

  • Helps you get up to speed on the completely redesigned new HyperText Markup Language, HTML5
  • Shows you how to incorporate rich media content into the sites you design, without relying on proprietary software such as Flash
  • Explains revisions, from essential structural elements like header and footer to more complex elements such as canvas and audio—over a hundred tasks in all
  • Uses easy-to-follow, full-color, two-page tutorials, so you can see step by step how to do tasks and quickly obtain the information you need

Web designers, keep your HTML skills up to date with this "learn-by-seeing," visual guide.

From the Book: Sample Instructions for HTML5 Tasks

View HTML5 Code in a Browser
(Click on the image to see instructions)

Define Navigation
(Click on the image to see instructions)

Animate Canvas Content
(Click on the image to see instructions)

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the browser to break the text at a specific place and go to a new line. You can also use the
tag to add blank lines between paragraphs. This is useful if you want to add extra space above or below a block of text or a heading. By inserting multiple
tags consecutively, you can increase the amount of space. Add a Line Break Type
in front of the line of text that you want to appear as a new line. Type additional
tags for each line of text where you want a line break. Note:

inserting a line break tag,
, which adds space between lines of text. You can also add space around elements on your page with CSS styles. See Chapter 4 for an introduction to CSS. Insert a Blank Space Type   in the line where you want to add a blank space. To add multiple spaces, type the code multiple times. The code stands for nonbreaking space. Web browsers do not create a line break where you insert these characters. For more about special characters, see “Insert Special

the background behind text to a fluorescent color to make it appear as if the text has been highlighted with a marker. You can specify the color by name, hexadecimal color value, or RGB value. To add a background color to just a few words of a paragraph, you can apply the property using the tag and a CSS class. To add a background color to an entire page, you can apply the property to the tag. Use caution when assigning a background color to an element, taking into account the

users to submit an e-mail address in your form. You might use this feature to allow users to sign up for a mailing list or a newsletter, or simply to give you a way to contact them. Note that it is standard practice to let users know if you will be sharing their e-mail address with anyone else after you collect it. The e-mail field looks like a regular text field when displayed in a form. After the form is submitted, the browser checks whether the field data is a valid e-mail address. For other

overlap elements on your pages by positioning them at similar coordinates. You can then control the stacking order of those elements, adjusting the z-index property for each element. An element with a higher z-index value appears above an element with a lower z-index value. z-index values can be positive, negative, or zero. See the “Use Absolute Positioning” section for more about setting the coordinates of a page element. Control the Overlap of Elements Create style sheet classes for the

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