Pro Puppet

Pro Puppet

Spencer Krum, William Van Hevelingen, James Turnbull, Jeffrey McCune

Language: English

Pages: 332

ISBN: 1430260408

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Pro Puppet, Second Edition, now updated for Puppet 3, is an in-depth guide to installing, using, and developing the popular configuration management tool Puppet.

Puppet provides a way to automate everything from user management to server configuration. You'll learn how Puppet has changed in the latest version, how to use it on a variety of platforms, including Windows, how to work with Puppet modules, and how to use Hiera.

Puppet is a must-have tool for system administrators, and Pro Puppet will teach you how to maximize its capabilities and customize it for your environment.

Install and configure Puppet to immediately start automating tasks and create reporting solutions

Learn insider tricks and techniques to better manage your infrastructure

Become a Puppet expert!

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committed them into the version control system: $ git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline master..HEAD 7acf23d... Updated config.pp to use $module_name 0c164f6... Added manual change warning to postfix config Using the git log command, you’re able to see the developer has made two commits since he created his topic from the main master development branch. This specific command displays the series of commits from the master development branch to the tip of the current topic branch. You’re able to

(14/14), done. remote: Total 15 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (15/15), done. From * [new branch] developer/postfix -> origin/developer/postfix puppet:modules $ git checkout -b developer/postfix origin/developer/postfix Branch developer/postfix set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/developer/postfix. Switched to a new branch "developer/postfix" The developer’s topic branch has now been checked out in the location the Puppet

into the stanza to enable logging on the front end. Every request coming into the Puppet master infrastructure will pass through the frontend virtual host and will be logged to the balancer_access.log file. Worker virtual hosts do not handle SSL encrypted traffic and only require two configuration lines to be inserted into the VirtualHost stanza. Every request routed to a specific worker will be logged into that worker’s access log file. In Listing 4-14, we’ve

distribution packaging systems divide the master and agent functions into separate packages. On some operating systems and distributions, you’ll also need to install Ruby and its libraries and potentially some additional packages. Most good packaging systems will have most of the required packages, like Ruby, as prerequisites of the Puppet and Facter packages. For other features (i.e., some types of reporting that I’ll demonstrate later in this book), you may also need to install additional

or earlier in this chapter when you were setting up the Dashboard.  Note Passenger is only sometimes available as a package on operating systems other than Red Hat or Ubuntu. Often, the easiest method of installing Passenger is via Ruby Gems, with gem install passenger. Configure an Apache Virtual Host Next, you need to configure an Apache virtual host for our Dashboard implementation, which will include enabling the required Passenger module. The Puppet Dashboard provides an example of this

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