The Outlaw Demon Wails

The Outlaw Demon Wails

Kim Harrison

Language: English

Pages: 544

ISBN: 0061149829

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

When you dance with demons, you lay your soul on the line . . .

In the Hollows, where the natural and the supernatural co-exist—not always peacefully—desperate times often call for unorthodox measures. But bounty hunter-witch Rachel Morgan did the absolutely unthinkable to save the lives of her friends: she willingly trafficked in forbidden demon magic. And now her sins have come home to haunt her.

As Rachel hunts for the truth behind a terrifying murder, the discovery of a shocking family secret is about to throw her entire life into question. And the long-lost ancient knowledge she seeks resides in the demonic ever-after.

But there are some lines that should never be crossed—like the one Rachel Morgan's stepping over . . . again!

The Spy Who Haunted Me (Secret Histories, Book 3)

Sacrifice (Rogue Angel, Book 18)

Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, Book 5)

Jade Sky (Matt Rowley, Book 1)

Indigo Moon (Garoul, Book 3)

Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers, Book 1)











rose between hummocks of dried grass. A red haze glowed from the bottom of the clouds where Cincy would have stood, but here, on this side of the dry river, it was mostly sad-looking vegetation. Trent wiped his mouth with a hankie he then hid under a rock. His eyes were black in the red light, and I could tell he didn’t like the wind pushing on him. He didn’t look cold, though. The man never got cold, which was starting to tick me off. Squinting, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and

niche market. Maybe she was specializing in charms no one else bothered with to avoid competition—and thus lawsuits—from annoyed, licensed charm makers. Eyes on my coffee, I said, “Mom, about those amulets you’ve been making for Patricia.” Jenks took to the air, and my mother huffed. “You’re never going to find Mr. Right if you don’t start playing with Mr. Right Now,” she said, gathering everything up on her plate. “Minias is obviously Mr. Never, but you could have been a little nicer.” Jenks

Morgan.” It was Al. I froze in panic, trying to see. There was a click six feet in front of me, and I scuttled backward, crying out in surprise when my back hit a wall. Fear was a sharp goad. I tried to rise, and my head hit the ceiling a mere four feet up. “Ow!” I yelped, falling down and moving like a crab until I found a corner. My pulse hammered, and I strained to see. Everything was black. It was as if my eyes were gone. Al’s low, mocking laugh grew in depth, then faded with a bitter

wine-colored depths of the glass reflecting reality in deep shades of maroon. Something this evil shouldn’t be beautiful. Ceri had helped me make this one after I broke the first over Minias’s head. Damn it, why is she risking her soul like this again? Marshal was silent as he looked at it. “That’s a calling circle,” he finally said. “I think. I’ve never seen one like that.” Jenks looked almost cocky when the dust slipping from him turned gold and he said, “That’s because it goes through ley

high-maintenance. My boots are under there.” I grinned in embarrassment as he came up with his boots. The click of the front door opening shot through me. Marshal got to his feet and turned in one smooth motion, and I bolted upright. “Ivy?” I called, recognizing the sound of her boots clacking. Her path ruler-straight and her face placid, she walked past Marshal and me. “’Morning,” she said, no clue to her mood in her voice as she vanished into the darkness of the hall. The collar to her

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