The Liminal War: a novel

The Liminal War: a novel

Language: English

Pages: 224

ISBN: 1618731017

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Locus Recommended Reading

When Taggert's adopted daughter goes missing he suspects the hand of an old enemy. He gathers friends, family, and even those who don't quite trust that he has left his violent past behind. But their search leads them to an unexpected place, the past, and the consequences of their journey have a price that is higher than they can afford.

Praise for The Liminal People:

"A great piece of genre fiction. But picking which genre to place it in isn't easy. The first in a planned series, it's got the twists and taut pacing of a thriller, the world-warping expansiveness of a fantasy yarn, and even the love-as-redemption arc of a romance. Oh yeah, a lot of the characters in it have superhuman powers, too."—The Rumpus

"Ayize's imagination will mess with yours, and the world won't ever look quite the same again."—Nalo Hopkinson

"An action-packed thriller and a careful look at the moral dilemmas of those whose powers transcend humanity."—Publishers Weekly

The enigmatic quagmire that is Ayize Jama-Everett has been making his presence felt all across this world since 1974. In New York, California, Morocco, Ethiopia, and elsewhere, he has impressed, reviled, and astonished with his amazing feats of mental alacrity and mystical inebriation. Despite being degreed in both divinity and psychology, the forlorn artist stakes his reputation and honor on the calling of author. He is known to be cunning in the ways of the bottle, the pen, and the pistol.


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you being Mr. Wind Man, yeah?” she says with her street-tough accent. “Figured you to just fly us to Africa.” “Propriety must be observed, Ms. Bridgecombe. This is a Manna mission. That means Mico has to figure his way to the Mog. Now, when you were in jeopardy, well, that was an affront to nature itself. I had to intervene.” I feel A.C. take a drink of something. “Thought you was part of his crew. Inner council, ennit?” “To a degree. I’ve got loyalties but I’m non-monogamous. That’s the thing

almost unconscious of the waves. I wade in behind him, trying to stay standing. The coral is slippery and sharp as we climb above the water. Ahmadi has the unconscious skill of a Liminal, growing spongy algae to sit on as he focuses on a small thin plume of sea flora sprouting up from the coral. His obliviousness to our presence is predictable. The seventeen-year-old outweighs his peers by fifteen pounds. Malnutrition has never touched him. Even his shirts and shorts are branded. In these lands,

the blades, I have a second to wonder where Tamara is before she comes up from below deck and smacks me from port to stern with one telekinetically assisted blow. I knew she’d get me back. “Asshole!” she shouts. I don’t bother trying to get up. “Go easy. All that hack and slash tired me out.” “You trying to die?!” “Of course not. What else was I going to do?” “How about not dive into spirit-shark-infested waters? Those knives are fucking with your brain.” “And if it wasn’t for them you’d be

says, leading us through a set of wall-sized double doors to a banquet hall on the first floor. A half-room ebony wood table and elaborate window and door moldings are the only hints at the room’s previous ostentatiousness. “We’re still working on construction above. I had folks bring some honey wine and fruit. The bathrooms are at the end of the hall. I’d love the opportunity to talk, answer any and all questions, but I need to calm the community down. Might take a few hours.” “Prentis—” Tam

support beam down around the wrecked building. When the roof caves in I hear Mico scream from the inside. “I’ve decided to rape your daughter for one hundred and fifty years. Do your kind live that long?” Poppy asks, juggling the beams in one hand as he levitates above me. He doesn’t fly as much as give a “fuck you” to the laws of physics. Then to Nordeen, “Can you handle this?” If I had any more energy, I’d be panicking right now. But I just had a heart attack. Poppy flies away, happy I’m

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