The History Buff's Guide to World War II: Top Ten Rankings of the Best, Worst, Largest, and Most Lethal People and Events of World War II (History Buff's Guides)

The History Buff's Guide to World War II: Top Ten Rankings of the Best, Worst, Largest, and Most Lethal People and Events of World War II (History Buff's Guides)

Thomas R. Flagel

Language: English

Pages: 304

ISBN: 2:00147947

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Did you know that neither Hitler nor Stalin graduated from high school? Or that the Allies often employed teenage girls as spies? In The History Buff's Guide to World War II, Thomas R. Flagel leaves no stone unturned as he presents dozens of top ten lists that examine the politics, leaders, and battles of the Second World War. From Hitler to Stalin, battleground to home front, Flagel's compelling analysis and attention to often-overlooked information ensures a surprise on every page for even the most dedicated World War II buff. This fresh, impossible-to-put-down book puts a new perspective on one of the most heavily researched wars of all time and is sue to enthrall expert and amateur historians alike.
Do You Think You Know World War II?
•Top Ten Speeches
•Top Ten Causes of Military Deaths
•Top Ten Most Popular Myths and Misconceptions
•Top Ten Forms of Resistance
•Top Ten Military Blunders

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public had lost all desire for war, having lost too many campaigns to count. When the Allies entered Sicily, Mussolini was arrested by order of the king. Later that year Italy declared war on Germany. Fascism comes from the Latin “fasces,” a bound set of wooden rods holding the blade of an axe. It was the Roman symbol of unity and power. From a distance it looks like a log with a beak. 8. ABSOLUTE MONARCHY NEUTRAL: ABYSSINIA, IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA The last holdouts of a fading system,

swept entire towns from the face of the earth. Nazi concentration camps devoured millions more.64 Stalin’s numbers were even worse. His forced collectivization of Russian farms in the early 1930s starved as many as ten million. His Great Terror of 1936–39 purged nine of eleven of his own cabinet members, more than sixty thousand military officers, and untold millions of ordinary citizens. Between 1941 and 1945, Stalin’s Red Army killed more soldiers and civilians than any other military force in

pacifists. 5. KONSTANTIN ROKOSSOVSKY (USSR, 1896–1968) Konstantin Rokossovsky was brilliant and humble, clever and level-headed. In 1937 he was a Red Army corps commander when he was arrested during Stalin’s military purges. Enduring torture and imprisonment, he avoided probable execution by deftly dismantling evidence brought against him. Released after nearly three years, he returned to his command.42 During the initial phases of the 1941 German invasion, Rokossovsky led fierce but

barriers. No country benefited more from geography than the United States. Bordered by two vast oceans and resting between two cooperative neighbors, the nation was effectively in its own world. Safe from attack by land or air and far too large to be taken by amphibious assault, the United States may have been at war, but vast distances allowed its factories and government to function in relative peace. The forty-eight United States were not entirely free from hostile fire. In February 1942, a

may be the four on the Medical Department, the most alarming are arguably the three on the Chemical Warfare Service, and the most censored appear to be the three pictorial records gleaned of casualty images. Also available are the multivolume sets of The Army Air Forces in World War II and The History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Supremely written is the fifteen-volume History of U.S. Naval Operations in World War II, created under the direction of Harvard professor Samuel

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