The Godfather Journal

The Godfather Journal

Ira Zuckerman

Language: English

Pages: 93


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A diary of the production of the first Godfather film.

I created this e-book from an original paperback.

The A to Z of French Cinema (The A to Z Guide Series)

Director's Cut

The Toho Studios Story: A History and Complete Filmography

Le cinéma français des années 1990 : Une génération de transition (2e édition)

The Comic Book Film Adaptation: Exploring Modern Hollywood's Leading Genre















com­pletely re­set, so that hours and hours are spent on what will ap­pear on the screen for a few seconds, The back of Sol­lozzo’s head is blown off. One bul­let enters Mc­Clusky’s fore­head and an­oth­er his throat, which bursts open at the im­pact. The blood that spurts over table and floor must be cleaned up and the half-eaten din­ners re­set for each new take. (The spe­cial-ef­fects men used dur­ing the blood tests have been re­placed by Hol­ly­wood ex­pert A. D. Flowers and an

as the sun goes in or out. The ward­robe de­part­ment is go­ing crazy get­ting prin­cipals and ex­tras in and out of cos­tumes ac­cord­ing to the weath­er con­di­tions of the mo­ment. Fi­nally it be­gins to rain. 43rd Day of Shoot­ing: Tues­day May 25 The pos­sib­il­ity of rain to­mor­row, ac­cord­ing to the fore­cast, is now only 10 per­cent, so the big de­cision is made and all de­part­ments work fe­ver­ishly in pre­par­a­tion for the wed­ding scene. But today’s shoot­ing is

con­ver­sa­tion, the ser­geant ad­mits that the as­sail­ant was not shot by po­lice. Who­ever shot him, the ser­geant con­tin­ues, must have been a pretty good shot not to hit any­one else. An of­ficer was pin­ning the man down when he was shot. The ser­geant adds that the as­sail­ant was a junkie and had been ar­res­ted for rape. He stops his con­ver­sa­tion to look at me, but doesn’t ask who I am or what I’m do­ing here. He just as­sumes I be­long. A fra­gile old lady dressed in

played for at­mo­sphere. Be­fore the first take, Brando asks which lens is be­ing used so that he will know just how much of his body is be­ing filmed. As the cam­era turns he works with im­press­ive in­tens­ity and con­cen­tra­tion; he mumbles to him­self as he goes through the ac­tions of drink­ing wine, singing, peel­ing and eat­ing or­anges, and at one point asks for Sen-Sen, which must be sent out for. Between takes Brando re­laxes and quietly kids with the crew but stays in

char­ac­ter. He of­ten asks for in­struc­tions to be re­peated; the flesh-colored earplugs he wears on the set make it dif­fi­cult for him to hear. When ques­tioned about this, his at­tract­ive per­son­al sec­ret­ary, Alice Mar­shak, ex­plains, “Mar­lon has al­ways worn them while film­ing, ever since I’ve known him. He says they help him to con­cen­trate by shut­ting out ex­traneous noise and make him listen more care­fully to the act­ors he’s play­ing with.” The day’s work is com­pleted

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