The Fallen (Nine Lives of Chloe King, Book 1)

The Fallen (Nine Lives of Chloe King, Book 1)

Celia Thomson

Language: English

Pages: 118

ISBN: 0689866585

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Chloe King was a normal sixteen-year-old girl.
She did her homework and got good grades, but she wasn't afraid to ditch class sometimes to hang out with her best friends. She slept at home, but otherwise avoided all human contact with her mom. The usual stuff.
Then she fell from San Francisco's highest tower, and her life changed. For starters, she died. And then, she woke up.
Now Chloe's life is anything but normal: Suddenly guys are prowling around her, she's growing claws, and someone's trying to kill her.
Luckily for Chloe, she still has eight lives to go.

Goddamned Freaky Monsters (Tome of Bill, Book 5)

A Death Displaced (Lansin Island, Book 1)

Mr. Hartley (Alternate Places, Book 1)

Raven (The Raven Saga, Book 1)





















herself doing a handstand as easily as if she had been a circus performer. Suddenly there was a thud as all the weight in the world landed on her feet, bending and crushing her knees almost to her chin. And just as suddenly it was gone. Chloe lost her balance and tipped over onto the ground. When she got up, she heard soft laughter, the first noise he had made. He stood with his arms crossed several yards away: he had leapt down from the tree and used her feet and legs as a springboard.

about the way he was talking, strange pauses舒whether it was her new, keen senses or just intuition, she had a feeling he was lying to her. What舗s going on with him? He sounds like he舗s interested, but he keeps sort of putting me off. And then it occurred to her. 舠You have a girlfriend, don舗t you?舡 舠What?舡 舠Tell me the truth. You have a girlfriend.舡 舠No! I have no girlfriend,舡 he said with exasperation. 舠I haven舗t had one in months. Why?舡 舠You just sound like 舰 I don舗t know 舰 grudging about

teaming up after school someday舒uh, when she finally gives up her dream of being a poet. She would design the fashions and I would manage the store or company: hiring, fixtures, accounts 舰.舡 Her eyes grew dreamy, then narrowed. 舠That舗s why it pisses me off that Lania gets to work the cash register. She sucks, and I totally want to learn that side of it.舡 Brian舗s face was blank for a moment. 舠Oh, is she that girl who keeps making fun of the way I dress?舡 舠Yeah.舡 Chloe snorted. 舠Good customer

roof. 舠Sometimes,舡 he hollered舒his window was down, too, and the engine was incredibly loud舒舠San Francisco really sucks. You have to get out! It舗s too 舰 claustrophobic.舡 With a buzz they turned down the 101 and were zooming over the Golden Gate. It was a beautiful end-of-day panorama: the sky was darkening to a clear, pollution-free blue, and elongated puffy clouds rolled by, lit orange from underneath. The colors of the fading green hills in the distance deepened, and the water below looked

舠You think your human friends are going to help save you?舡 the man asked with feigned surprise. 舠Just because you keep company with them doesn舗t mean you舗re one of them.舡 舠Ho-ly shit,舡 Amy said, openmouthed. 舠Um, yeah 舰舡 Chloe estimated the distance between them舒about twenty-five feet. Good enough for a head start? What about Paul and Amy? 舠I have no idea what you舗re talking about舡 Chloe shouted back. 舠They don舗t know your true nature?舡 the man asked, eyes widening. 舠Do we all run in

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