The Center of the Web (Third Reich)

The Center of the Web (Third Reich)

Language: English

Pages: 192

ISBN: 0809469871

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

"The Center of the Web" is a volume in the Time-Life Third Reich series, assuring a competent work, and delivering a masterpiece. The book takes you deep into the highest sector of Nazi Germany. into the daily life of Adolf Hitler. This book is an absolute must for any Hilter, and Third Reich student. It is laced with breathtaking pictures and illustrations.

Armoured Warfare in the Italian Campaign: 1943 to 1945

The Last Escaper: The Untold First-Hand Story of the Legendary Bomber Pilot, 'Cooler King' and Arch Escape Artist

Dam Busters: The True Story of the Inventors and Airmen Who Led the Devastating Raid to Smash the German Dams in 1943

Heidegger's Glasses: A Novel



















worshipful acolytes such as Joseph Goebbels, who insisted that "when the Fuhrer speaks it is like a divine service," Hitler came to believe that his inspired judgments were irrefutable. "I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker," he asserted. Hitler's self-righteous refusal to be guided by any counsel but his own raised deep concern among his generals, who feared that he would lead the army blindly into war before it was prepared for the ordeal. Matters nearly

restore to each individual German his self-respect," he explained. "We are not inferior; we are the complete equals of every other nation." The massiveness of the planned structures, however, diminished the human qualities that other ar- were beginning emphasize. Hitler seemed blind to the need for scale, green spaces, chitects of the era to and smoothly residential areas, flowing traffic — all desirable fea- Even after the outbreak of war, he insisted that work on Germania continue.

choose between victory and fall to in this struggle. who be his with no one. In particular, he would not share defeat in 1918. what to a great height," Hitler shrink from nothing and shall destroy everyone share am convinced was I shall opposed to me." war, and he would is it with the generals, in part responsible for Germany's it be known that he would brook commanders would simply do his Hitler let military. His and without complaint. "I do not ask my generals to

strain of almost five years of weaiing on him. He slept late, breakfasted alone, and now depended on Stauffenberg, who confronted a situation of unimaginable difficulty. To arm the explosives, he would first have to open the brief) ase and then, using pliers, break the capsule of acid that would activate the detonator ten one with only three 152 minutes fingers. After later — no small achievement for some- determining that he would be able to 00 and Himmler, Stauffenarm the bomb,

Hitler 11944), 148-157; attends briefings at the Berghof, 151, 152; attends briefings at Wolfsschanze, 152-156, 155; executed, 164; as Fromm's chief of 151; as Olbricht's chief of staff, 148; staff, wounded 142 Todt and construction of, 75 Skorzeny, Otto: and attempted coup (1944), Siegfried Line: 164 in North Africa, 148 Stauffenberg family: sent to concentration camps, 166 Stieff, Slave labor: Speer Snow White and and use of, 122 Helmuth: 144; refuses to assassinate Hitler (1944),

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