The Boss from Outer Space and Other Aliens at Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Getting Along with Just About Anyone

The Boss from Outer Space and Other Aliens at Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Getting Along with Just About Anyone

Language: English

Pages: 208

ISBN: 0814474438

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Anyone who works in an office probably has to deal with at least some people who are so different they might as well be from another planet. These differences can lead to conflict or - if handled properly - to a greater appreciation of others and a more productive workplace. The secret to getting along lies in understanding the different personality traits people exhibit and how to relate to them.The author identifies 11 traits that can make work relationships difficult, which she compares to the planets (plus the moon and the sun), including: Saturn, with its distinctive rings, symbolizes how comfortable one is being different, and shows whether one is more of a conformist or experimenter; Jupiter, made up mostly of gases, has a bubbly spirit, and signifies one's level of optimism; Earth (as in "down to Earth") indicates whether someone is grounded, or has one's "head in the clouds." Fun and easy to read, yet packed with realistic strategies, this very human guide will help anyone on the planet get along with even their most difficult coworker.

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opposite? Does it make you nervous when people act too quickly? Are you the one who wants to collect more data and think it over a little more? Do you find it restful to sit at your desk and reflect on the issues a bit before leaping into action? Does a lot of activity make you tired? Which End of the Spectrum Most Characterizes Those Closest to Me at Work: My Boss, My Co-Workers, My Peers, and My Employees? Do you see either or both of these types around you at work? Are there those who are

expand your repertoire of responses. A boss simply does not have the luxury of acting on his emotions all the time. A boss who is moody has a very detrimental impact on his employees. Your employees have their eyes on you all the time. When you come to work in a bad mood, employees wonder why. Instead of going about their productive workday, they may be speaking to one another, gathering around the coffee pot, asking what they did wrong, wondering if something’s going wrong with the company, etc.

he wanted to derail the group into a discussion of the corporate strategy. Notice that she didn’t waste her energy fighting every battle with Jack; did it really matter what chair he sat in? Even the day the meeting was held on, unless it really does matter to Judith, may not be worth fighting about. It seems that Judith has learned to choose her battles carefully with him, but when it is time to step up, shut him down, and keep him from derailing the meeting, she doesn’t hesitate to do so. HOW

with your boss, you need to state it somewhat more clearly and straightforwardly than you’re used to doing. This is the way that you’re going to get her attention. Again, let’s look at a three-step example: 1. ‘‘When you get a chance, boss, could we maybe talk about my schedule for next week? I’ve got this family thing coming up.’’ 156 ................. 16498$ $CH9 06-27-07 10:20:02 PS PAGE 156 2. ‘‘Boss, my daughter’s first birthday is next Saturday, and I would really appreciate it if I

I was 17 I have been observing what people tend to call ‘‘personality conflicts’’ at work, and when this book began to take form in my mind it occurred to me that these eleven types seemed to emerge over and over in every industry I have worked with and at every level, from entry-level employee to CEO. So it seemed most helpful to outline these traits for you and share with you how best to deal with the inevitable fallout when these types clash in the workplace. The eleven personality types

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