Start-Up Guide for the Technopreneur: Financial Planning, Decision Making and Negotiating from Incubation to Exit

Start-Up Guide for the Technopreneur: Financial Planning, Decision Making and Negotiating from Incubation to Exit

David Shelters

Language: English

Pages: 306


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A comprehensive guide to financial planning and venture fundraising for tech entrepreneurs

As technology progresses, impacting our daily lives in more and greater ways, technology start-ups come and go at a dizzying pace. There are plenty of opportunities out there for anyone with a great idea, but it takes much more than a great idea to make your tech start-up a success. In addition to creativity and new ideas, being a successful tech entrepreneur requires strategic decision-making in terms of business planning, financial planning, negotiations, and corporate governance.

This book serves as a thought-provoking guide that helps tech entrepreneurs avoid the dangers inherent in business start-ups in general and the treacherous realm of venture capital in particular. This book is the ideal reference for anyone who wants to overcome the challenges of running a start-up from incubation to exit.

* Excellent advice for tech entrepreneurs written in layman's terms
* Written by an author with more than fifteen years of experience as a founder and co-founder of tech start-ups in the U.S. and Asia
* Designed to fill the role of an experienced mentor for tech entrepreneurs

For first-time founders of tech start-ups requiring venture capital, Start-Up Guide for the Technopreneur is the perfect resource.

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shareholders. A recent investment banking client of mine has attracted many different strategic investors due to its enabling core proprietary technologies. Although the strategic investors operate in different markets from each other and that of my client, the client’s technologies offer uniquely strategic advantages for each investor. For example, one prospective strategic investor perceives the technology as a driver for demand of its own technologies currently in its pipeline (development

noninstructional activities, etc.) and highly rewarding teaching opportunities with all the perks for her beloved staff. When we discussed the future financial management of the school, her primary motivation became too apparent. She made it very clear that she intended to pass along any and all profits to the benefit of her students and staff in some manner. I failed in my attempts to persuade her that the school would need to be managed as a for-profit business in the future and that my client (and

fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any damages arising herefrom. Other Wiley Editorial Offices John Wiley & Sons, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA John Wiley & Sons, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester,

Operational and Expansion Plan In this section of the business plan, you give a detailed description of how you are going to execute the plan. These areas are discussed: pricing policy and revenue streams, production, service and support, research and development, employees, vendors, logistics, and operational and expansion milestones and timelines. Pricing Policy and Revenue Streams An explanation of how and why your products and/or services are priced is of immense importance. Formulating a

system performance, reliability, and availability. j j Prospective investors certainly will want to know what number of users you consider critical mass and what risks you perceive there to be. Counter any risk or challenge mentioned in your business plan with a means to address it. A common mistake is listing a number of challenges faced by your competitors without explaining how your venture will meet these challenges. You have missed a great opportunity to differentiate. There are several

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