SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition

Justin Clarke

Language: English

Pages: 576

ISBN: 1597499633

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, First Edition: Winner of the Best Book Bejtlich Read Award

"SQL injection is probably the number one problem for any server-side application, and this book unequaled in its coverage." –Richard Bejtlich, Tao Security blog

SQL injection represents one of the most dangerous and well-known, yet misunderstood, security vulnerabilities on the Internet, largely because there is no central repository of information available for penetration testers, IT security consultants and practitioners, and web/software developers to turn to for help.

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition is the only book devoted exclusively to this long-established but recently growing threat. This is the definitive resource for understanding, finding, exploiting, and defending against this increasingly popular and particularly destructive type of Internet-based attack.

SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition includes all the currently known information about these attacks and significant insight from its team of SQL injection experts, who tell you about:

  • Understanding SQL Injection – Understand what it is and how it works
  • Find, confirm and automate SQL injection discovery
  • Tips and tricks for finding SQL injection within code
  • Create exploits for using SQL injection
  • Design apps to avoid the dangers these attacks
  • SQL injection on different databases
  • SQL injection on different technologies
  • SQL injection testing techniques
  • Case Studies
  • Securing SQL Server, Second Edition is the only book to provide a complete understanding of SQL injection, from the basics of vulnerability to discovery, exploitation, prevention, and mitigation measures.
  • Covers unique, publicly unavailable information, by technical experts in such areas as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL---including new developments for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Denali).
  • Written by an established expert, author, and speaker in the field, with contributions from a team of equally renowned creators of SQL injection tools, applications, and educational materials.

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1988-2000 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)' to a column of data type int. Incorrectly Handled Multiple Submissions White listing is a technique that means all characters should be disallowed, except for those that are in the white list. The white-list approach to validating input is to create a list of all possible characters that should be allowed for a given input, and to deny anything else. It is recommended that you use a white-list

any information or methods described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of p­ roducts liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods,

multiple SQL statements in MySQL databases (if multiple statements functionality is enabled). The technique and functionality are exactly the same and we will have to terminate the first query and execute arbitrary code in the second. For this example, our code of choice for the second statement is: SELECT '' INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/victim.com/shell.php';-- This SQL statement outputs the string ‘’ into the

OleDbParameter(), OracleCommand(), OracleParameter(), OdbcCommand(), and OdbcParameter(): $ grep -r -n "SqlCommand(\|SqlParameter(\|OleDbCommand(\|OleDbParam eter (\|OracleCommand(\|OracleParameter(\|OdbcCommand(\|OdbcParam eter(" src/ | awk -F: '{print "filename: "$1"\nline: "$2"\nmatch: "$3"\n\n"}' filename: src/SQLiMSSQLVuln.cs line: 29 Reviewing Source Code for SQL Injection match: SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = '" + request.getParameter("input") +

vectors. Whatever the case, now is the time to have some real fun with the actual exploitation. It is very useful at this stage to have a local installation of the same database system that sits behind the application you are attacking. Unless you have the Web application source code, SQL injection requires a black-box attack approach, and you will have to craft the queries to inject by observing how your target responds to your requests. Being able to locally test the queries you are going to

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