Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher

Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher

Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton

Language: English

Pages: 176

ISBN: 0465025277

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The six easiest chapters from Feynman's landmark work, Lectures on Physics-- specifically designed for the general, non-scientist reader.

Statistical Physics (2nd Edition)

The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything

Exploring Quantum Mechanics: A Collection of 700+ Solved Problems for Students, Lecturers, and Researchers

Nonequilibrium Many-Body Theory of Quantum Systems: A Modern Introduction












there suddenly appeared a relationship among these elements which was unexpected, and which is embodied in the periodic table of Mendeléev. For example, sodium and potassium are about the same in their chemical properties and are found in the same column in the Mendeléev chart. We have been seeking a Mendeléev-type chart for the new particles. One such chart of the new particles was made independently by Gell-Mann in the USA and Nishijima in Japan. The basis of their classification is a new

with almost the same mass, within 1 or 2 percent. Each particle in a multiplet has the same strangeness. The first multiplet is the proton-neutron doublet, and then there is a singlet (the lambda), then the sigma triplet, and finally the xi doublet. Very recently, in 1961, even a few more particles were found. Or are they particles? They live so short a time, they disintegrate almost instantaneously, as soon as they are formed, that we do not know whether they should be considered as new

has to be a certain definite amount. Unlike Dennis’s blocks, there can be any amount of energy, at least as presently understood. So we do not understand this energy as counting something at the moment, but just as a mathematical quantity, which is an abstract and rather peculiar circumstance. In quantum mechanics it turns out that the conservation of energy is very closely related to another important property of the world, things do not depend on the absolute time. We can set up an experiment

of the universe. In this time, the gravity constant would have increased by about 10 percent. It turns out that if we consider the structure of the sun—the balance between the weight of its material and the rate at which radiant energy is generated inside it—we can deduce that if the gravity were 10 percent stronger, the sun would be much more than 10 percent brighter—by the sixth power of the gravity constant! If we calculate what happens to the orbit of the earth when the gravity is changing,

lectures—by putting in suggestions of applications of the ideas and concepts in various directions outside the main line of attack. For this reason, though, I tried very hard to make all the statements as accurate as possible, to point out in every case where the equations and ideas fitted into the body of physics, and how—when they learned more—things would be modified. I also felt that for such students it is important to indicate what it is that they should—if they are sufficiently clever—be

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