Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore

Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore

Jay Sekulow

Language: English

Pages: 144

ISBN: 1501105132

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Jay Sekulow, one of America’s most influential attorneys, closely examines the rise of the terrorist groups ISIS and Hamas, explains their objectives and capabilities and how, if left undefeated, their existence could unleash a genocide of historic proportions.

Recently, the world has been shaken by gruesome photos and videos that have introduced us to the now infamous terrorist group known as ISIS. The world’s wealthiest and most powerful jihadists, ISIS originated within Al Qaeda with the goal of creating an Islamic state across Iraq and Syria and unrelenting jihad on Christians. Separate from ISIS, the terrorist group Hamas has waged an equally brutal war against Israel. Both groups, if left undefeated, have the potential to unleash a catastrophic genocide.

Rise of ISIS gives a better understanding of the modern face of terror, and provides an overview of the laws of war and war crimes. These laws differentiate between the guilty and innocent, and explain why the US military and the Israeli Defense Forces are often limited in their defensive measures.

The authors’ firsthand experience, including multiple appearances before the Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court at The Hague, along with direct contact battling jihadists during operation Iraqi Freedom lends insight into this important geopolitical issue.

A must-have for anyone who wants to better understand the conflict that exists in the middle east, this well-researched and fully annotated volume is invaluable in revealing how this new brand of terrorism poses a very real threat to Americans and the world at large. It also serves as a guide to what we as individuals—and as a nation—can do to stop this escalating violence, prevent jihad, and protect Israel and America from this imminent threat.

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The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals


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government.1 This means the secular Fatah was joining with the jihadist Hamas to attempt to govern the Palestinian territories together, under the banner of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Obama administration, within days of this announcement, pledged that the United States would continue to provide hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars in aid to this new terrorist government.2 The administration is pledging this aid despite the fact that U.S. criminal law clearly prohibits any

to be shot down. It was going to land, somewhere close to us. Somewhere close to Jordan. It hit seventy-five yards from my son. By the grace of God, the angle of the impact combined with the shape of the charge drove the blast away from Jordan. He was unharmed. But for a few terrifying seconds, I lived the reality of Israeli fathers and mothers—someone was trying to kill my child. Not just trying, but exerting maximum possible effort. Hamas has sworn not just to destroy Israel, the world’s

destruction. It seeks arms from Iran (as Iran is busy building a nuclear bomb), it backs jihadists in Syria, and it is—bizarrely enough—cast as a heroic freedom fighter by millions of Europeans and even a distressing number of Americans. � · · · · The goal of this book is simple: to understand the horrific jihadist threat to Christians and Jews in the Middle East, a threat that will undoubtedly come to the United States if it is left unchecked abroad. Through ISIS and Hamas, Christians and

Disowned Them: Letter Found at Bin Laden’s Hideout Warned of Islamic State’s Extreme Brutality,” Daily Mail, August 10, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2721417/So-wicked-Al-Qaeda-disowned-Letter-Bin-Ladens-hideout-warned-Islamic-States-extreme-brutality.html. 2. Terrence McCoy, “ISIS Just Stole $425 million, Iraqi Governor Says, and Became the ‘World’s Richest Terrorist Group,’ ” Washington Post, June 10, 2014,

Jerusalem. One hadith observes Muhammad as saying “[w]hen the people of Quraish did not believe me (i.e. the story of my Night Journey), I stood up in Al-Hijr and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me, and I began describing it to them while I was looking at it.’ ” Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, Bk. 58, No. 226, http://sahih-bukhari.com/Pages/Bukhari_5_58.php. 25. Charter, art. 11. 26. Ibid., art. 7. 27. Ibid., art. 3. 28. Ibid., art. 6. 29. Ibid., art. 6. 30. Ibid., art. 13. 31. Ibid.

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