Race, Evolution and Behavior: A Life History Perspective

Race, Evolution and Behavior: A Life History Perspective

J. Philippe Rushton

Language: English

Pages: 106

ISBN: 0965683621

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Using evidence from psychology, anthropology, sociology and other scientific disciplines, this book shows that there are at least three biological races (subspecies) of man Orientals (i.e., Mongoloids or Asians), Blacks (i.e., Negroids or Africans), and Whites (i.e., Caucasoids or Europeans). There are recognizable profiles for the three major racial groups on brain size, intelligence, personality and temperament, sexual behavior, and rates of fertility, maturation and longevity. The profiles reveal that, ON AVERAGE, Orientals and their descendants around the world fall at one end of the continuum, Blacks and their descendants around the world fall at the other end of the continuum, Europeans regularly fall in between. This worldwide pattern implies evolutionary and genetic, rather than purely social, political, economic, or cultural causes.

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^-strategist gorilla has her first offspring. This cross-species scale may be applied to the immensely smaller variation among human groups. Although all human beings are at the ^-selected end of the continuum, some may be more so than others, a proposal introduced as “differential K theory” (Rushton, 1984, 1985a, 1988b). Black women, com­ pared to white women, average a shorter period of ovulation and produce more eggs per ovulation in addition to all the other characteristics in Table 1.1. As

research and showed the following: (a) intelligence tests pre­ dict performance in training and on the job in all kinds of work; (b) job performance is more correlated with test performance in higher-level, more complex jobs than in lower-level ones; (c) the relation of tested intelligence to job performance is linear, meaning that there is no threshold above which higher levels of intelligence are not associated with higher mean levels of job performance; (d) it is almost entirely the g factor

and Behavior TABLE 23 Correlations Between Head Circumference at Different Ages with IQ at 7 Years W h i te s A ge S a m p le s iz e C irc u m fe r* e n c e (c m ) B la c k s SD r S a m p le s iz e C ir c u m f e r ­ en c e (c m ) SD r Birth 16,877 34 .0 1.5 .13* 18,883 3 3 .4 1.7 .12* 4 months3 1 year 4 years 7 years 15,905 14,724 12,454 16,949 4 0 .9 45.8 50.1 51 .5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 .19* .20* .21* .24* 17,793 16,786 14,630 18,644 4 0 .4 4 5 .6 4 9 .9 5 1 .2 1.6 1.5

(MZT, DZT). In addition to the Minnesota study there is the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging examining 351 pairs of middleaged twins reared apart with 407 matched control pairs (Pedersen et al., 1991), and a Finnish investigation of 165 pairs of twins reared apart (Langinvainio, Koskenvuo, Kaprio & Sistonen, 1984). Emergenic Traits In the case of identical twins reared apart, their correlation directly repre­ sents heritability; differences represent environmentality and measurement error.

influence on strength of sex drive in turn predictive of age of first sexual intercourse, frequency of intercourse, num­ ber of sexual partners, and type of position preferred (Eysenck, 1976; Martin, Eaves, & Eysenck, 1977). Divorce, or the factors leading to it at least, is also heritable. Based on a survey of more than 1,500 twin pairs, their parents, and their spouses’parents, McGue and Lykken (1992) calculated a 52 percent heritability. They suggested the propensity was mediated through other

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