Oracles of Delphi Keep

Oracles of Delphi Keep

Victoria Laurie

Language: English

Pages: 576

ISBN: 0440422582

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Ian Wigby is about to find out that he is a very special boy.

Along the southern coast of England, atop the White Cliffs of Dover, stands a castle. And at that castle’s old keep is an orphanage. Delphi Keep has seen many youngsters come and go through its gates, and Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, are happy to call it home. Life has always been simple at the Keep, and the orphanage safe, until one day, Ian and Theo find a silver treasure box. And within the box, a prophesy. Three thousand years ago a great Greek oracle wrote of a quest. A quest on which the fate of the world depends. A quest that names two children—Ian and Theodosia. Suddenly Delphi Keep is no longer safe. And Ian and Theo, along with a very special group of friends, realize they must unravel the meaning behind the scroll of Dover cavern before darkness falls on the world. And before an unfathomable evil catches up with them.

From the Hardcover edition.

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said Thatcher, his attention still focused on the professor and the boy. “Now the professor is asking the boy if he knows of any vessels for hire to travel up the river to Lixus.” Ian watched as the boy nodded eagerly and spoke. “What’s he saying?” Ian whispered when Thatcher did not immediately interpret. “He says that his master has a vessel for hire, but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for us to go to Lixus.” “Why not?” asked Carl. Thatcher frowned as he listened. “Jaaved says that it’s

his spine. Would they ever be free of danger? “Thank you for your protection, Raajhi,” the professor answered, “but we have no need to venture far from the lost city. We will make sure to stay close to the ruins, and should anything troubling occur, we shall not hesitate to make our way back downriver.” Raajhi seemed satisfied. He stood and motioned to a few of his warriors, who came to him and listened while he spoke quietly. Then he took a rifle from the holster on his horse’s saddle and gave

- THE JICHMACH’S REVENGE Chapter 22 - A CRY IN THE NIGHT Chapter 23 - THE SEEKER Chapter 24 - HOMEWARD BOUND Chapter 25 - THE GARDENER’S TALE Acknowledgments About the Author Copyright

already seated, wondering where he should sit, when the earl gently nudged him in the direction of an empty chair next to Ciaran’s son Alfred. Once the earl was settled, the hunting party dug robustly into roast duck, potatoes thick with gravy, steamed turnips, and warm fresh bread. Ian devoured his meal and to his delight was offered a second helping of everything. He polished that off too, along with a dessert of raspberry cobbler. “Did you get enough to eat?” asked Alfred with a grin. “Yes,

Ian blinked hard against the moisture forming in his own eyes. He loved Theo more than anyone in the world, and to see her like this was almost more than he could bear. With one final squeeze of her arm, he bolted from the room and ran down the hallway, looking for anyone who might know where he could find Madam Dimbleby. As he was running toward the kitchen, he slammed headfirst into Binsford. “Oomph!” said the castle’s head butler. Ian stepped back quickly. “I’m sorry, sir!” “What on earth

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