Manifesta : Young Women, Feminism and the Future

Manifesta : Young Women, Feminism and the Future

Language: English

Pages: 0


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Everyday Sexism

The Feminine Mystique













for conservative women. Valerie Solanas publishes The SCUM Manifesto and sells it on the streets of downtown New York. In Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court rules unanimously that laws prohibiting marriage between nonwhites and whites are unconstitutional. 1968 The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says it’s illegal to forcibly retire stewardesses for marrying or reaching the age of thirty-five. Feminists protest the Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City, New Jersey, tossing

your state allows only a “state-certified registrar” to register voters, refocus your attentions to a voter-education drive (the specifics of which are coming up). When to register? Most states require that registration be done at least thirty days prior to the election. Minnesota, however, is one state that has same-day registration, which is one of the reasons that Jesse Ventura was able to win the gubernatorial race in 1998. Citizens who had stayed away from the polls for years were able

keep feminists from having to reinvent the wheel every fifty years or so. Therefore our own revisiting of it in this chapter is incentive to build on this legacy rather than to have to rebuild. For the sake of historical convenience, many scholars and historians have broken feminism down into the First Wave (the seventy-five years beginning in 1848 and winding down in the mid-1920s) and the Second Wave (which began circa 1970). Each wave has brought a swelling of momentum that has carried us

of the work that has come out of the girls’ movement, Reviving Ophelia was about girls, but it was for adults. Helping girls be “visible, valued, and heard” is part of the agenda of the Ms. Foundation. Girls Speak Out harbors a “healthy resilience.” Girls Inc. wants to keep girls “strong, smart, and bold.” And New Moon magazine is committed to “listening to girls and their dreams.” Girls’ initiatives spawned books and movies for and about girls in crisis, which in turn spawned magazines and

closeted about their dolly-loving past. They fear that loving Barbie will water down or jeopardize their feminism. Many of the young women we talked with for this chapter of Manifesta confessed that they loved Barbie; some still felt bitter at their mothers for not letting them play with her. Most of these young feminist women felt guilty about loving Barbie and were convinced that doing so would exclude them from feminism. Of course, some of the young women we talked with also had a genuine

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