Introduction to Criminal Justice

Introduction to Criminal Justice

Language: English

Pages: 576

ISBN: 1437734901

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This student-friendly introductory core text describes the criminal justice process in the United States - outlining the decisions, practices, people, and issues involved. It provides a solid introduction to the mechanisms of the criminal justice system, with balanced coverage of the issues presented by each facet of the process, including a thorough review of practices and controversies in law enforcement, the criminal courts, and corrections.

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Similar practices were revealed in other cases in which police officers preyed upon the guilt of the suspect by speculating about what could happen if neighborhood children found guns that were used in crimes. A guilt-ridden offender often would lead the officers to the guns, thereby providing the police with sufficient evidence to obtain a conviction. 179 180 Introduction to Criminal Justice The “Good Faith” Exception Generally, the Supreme Court has determined the admissibility of evidence

Introduction to Criminal Justice it is to the study of crime control, but for now it is important to understand the development of the systems perspective in criminal justice. Samuel Walker (1992) observed that the systems perspective is the dominant scientific paradigm of criminal justice. That is, most people studying criminal justice use a systems model to understand the process. Walker suggests that this model came to dominate thinking about criminal justice because of the American Bar

suited to the study of criminal justice, there are those who argue that such an approach is inappropriate. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 provided the impetus for the development of a systems perspective on criminal justice planning. This law established Chapter 1 Criminal Justice Perspectives that states wishing to receive federal funds for crime control efforts would be required to create State Planning Agencies (SPAs). These SPAs were charged with administering

repeat offenders in correctional settings are traditional. Correctional officials have given increased attention to classification of offenders, and have developed special “intensive supervision” programs for probationers and parolees. These efforts try to focus correctional resources on those offenders most in need of such attention. Van Voorhis (1986) indicated the importance of classification for the organization and delivery of correctional services. She suggested that the greatest return on the

activities (e.g., formal meetings). Recreation Players participate in organized activities and competitions. Employment Workers engage in defined activities and meet performance standards (e.g., production quotas). Mental Health Patients participate in organized activities (e.g., group meetings). Law Statutes require certain behaviors (e.g., providing care to children, maintenance of rental property). COERCION The Family Children are punished for wrongdoing (e.g., “grounding,”

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