Infected: A Novel

Infected: A Novel

Scott Sigler

Language: English

Pages: 384

ISBN: 030740630X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A terrifying thriller that will crawl beneath your skin . . . and leave fresh blood on every page.

A mysterious disease is turning thousands of ordinary Americans into raving, paranoid murderers who inflict brutal horrors on strangers, their own families, and even themselves. And one morning, ex–football star Perry Dawsey awakens to find mysterious welts growing all over his body. Soon Perry finds himself acting and thinking strangely, hearing voices, fighting uncontrollable rage . . . he is infected. Worse, the disease wants something from him, something that could alter the fate of the human race.

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was scared shitless of the cops. So she chose the lesser of two extreme evils. He stared out the window, careful to stay in the shadows, and wondered if they knew he was watching. But that didn’t make sense: if they knew where he was, they’d come after him. Unless they were already watching him. Perry’s eyes narrowed. He flicked his gaze about the apartment. Could there be a secret camera in here somewhere? A bug? Were they listening to him? They’d been watching him in his apartment, of that

the crazy fuck lit the place on fire and buried a hatchet in Malcolm’s guts. The old Sinatra tune rang in his head. I’ve got you…under my skin. 75. BACARDI 151 Perry shut the bathroom door behind him and spread his goodies out on the sink counter. Bottle of Jack Daniel’s: check. Two bottles of Bacardi 151: check. Butcher’s block with knives and Chicken Scissors: check. Lighter: check. Towels: check. Fatigue clutched at his body. He started the tub and flipped the lever on the

on the Humvee’s hood. “That thing just heated up in a hurry,” the squint said. “Here’s an updated infrared.” The picture looked almost the same, except the squint hadn’t outlined the strange symbol. He didn’t have to. Its lines blurred into a smudgy mess of reds, yellows and oranges. “It just turned on,” Dew said. “Move your men out, Ogden, right now. Move containment squads one and two into position as planned. We’re not waiting for the artillery or the third containment squad. We attack

on this one. They’ll try to catch the ’Niners sleeping, but they haven’t been able to block the inside linebacker all day. He’s creeping up right on the snap—he better watch his ass or they’ll go play-action and throw behind him when he comes barreling in.” Bill’s reassuring touch had started Perry’s arm itching again. He dug at it absently as he watched the Packers running back go off-tackle for two yards before the inside linebacker drilled him. Bill took a swig of beer and stared at Perry’s

turned pink as he scrubbed the blood from his body. Flakes of dry blood fell into the running water. He turned off the sink, let the washcloth fall to the floor, grabbed a towel and started drying off. It was at that moment he noticed his shoulder. Or rather he noticed the mold. The mold was under the Band-Aids, green gossamer tufts peeking out past plastic edges. The fine little hairs looked like the last downy strands growing on an old man’s head before baldness finally takes hold. That’s

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