Hebrew Myths: The Book Of Genesis

Hebrew Myths: The Book Of Genesis

Robert Graves

Language: English

Pages: 315

ISBN: 0517413663

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This exhaustive exploration of the Hebrew myths and the book of Genesis resulted from a remarkable collaboration between one scholar raised as a strict Protestant and one raised as a strict Jew. It goes beyond Christian biblical and Judaic myth and incorporates midrashes, folk tales, apocryphal texts, and other obscure sources to extend and complete the stories. An intriguing view of the suppressed and censored pre-biblical accounts is the result, along with a rich sense of a culture consisting of oral and literary traditions, where the spiritual is deeply rooted in landscape and history.

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ungenerol1s bch:wiour towards stra ngers a rc a com monplace of 1ll ) lh . Birkct Ram, nca r ll:inias in Northern C ali lee, al l ex li nct \'oJcano cra ter, is said by the local Arabs to coveT with its wa lers :1 ci ty whose inhabitants had this failillg. Pherccydes records that C o rtYlla ill C rete was dest royed by Apollo for it s b wlcssllcss. O vid, in his Ivfetl1lllorl)/lOses, tells how all old Phrygiall couple, Ph ilemo n and Baucis, hospitably en te rtained Zells, who spared thcm the

Hebrc.....·Ara bic hom ilies composed in I ):7. Ed. by Alexander Kohut, New York, t 8t}4. NAZI R. NED ... RIM . o OPPF.Nl n! IM, ORl eEN Fabula losepl,i et Asellatlwe, Berlin, 1886. (185-154 A. D.). Ece!csi3stical writer, lived i n Egypt, Rome and Pal· estine. J lis works .....ere cdited in the Allte-Nice"c Fat/l ers .series. OROSIUS OF T"'R RACONA, SC~'e" Books AgcJillst t/le Pagell/s. Paulus Orosius, a Spa nish historian and theologian of the fifth century ,0. . 0 . His SC~'C II Books

ma le mem bers sha ll be shamefull y elongated: i\'len of th is race arc callcd Negroes; their forefat her Canaa n commanded thcm to love theft a nd fornication, to be banded together in ha tred of their masters ami ncver to tell the t ruth .~ (f) O thers however acquit ITam of nny Stich crim e. They say that when Nonh was d iscmbMking on Ararat, the sick lio n showed base ingra titude by dealing his genitals a blow with its paw, so that he eOllld never agai n perform the marital act. For this

JUCi:JC:l1lS transported to Babyloll by Nelmchad rezzar will ha\'e l>cen astonished at the Ilumber of different dialects spoken by t heir fellowdeporlccs, God's confusion of tongues sccms to he a f:lr more :lIlC· ielll tradition- Moses of C horene reeor(ls it in his Armeniall Il istory, when discussing Xisut lnos and the ark (sec 20. 5). 9. 5t Jerome, like Orosius, identifies the T ower of Babel with Babylon itself- the outer walls of which, according to Ilerodotus, measured over Sft y-five

cma is the oasis ill North- 159 TII f. aooK OF CENI!.SIS em Arabia still called Ta}ma. DlIIllah sccms to be Adumatu, an oasis and fort ill the Syria n Desert conquered by Scnnaeherib. Mlbs.1 1l1 and r..lishma rallk in 1 Chrollicles IV. 15 alUong the sons of Si meon. which suggests that the Israelit e trihe of Sillicon. whosc tcrritory sprc3d southward from Judaca, assimilated :11 least part of thelll . 6. Jctur and Naphisl. arc mcntioncd in I Chronicles v. 19. together with Nodab 3nd the

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