Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body

Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body

Peter A. Levine

Language: English

Pages: 112

ISBN: 159179658X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Researchers have shown that survivors of accidents, disaster, and childhood trauma often endure lifelong symptoms ranging from anxiety and depression to unexplained physical pain, fatigue, illness, and harmful "acting out" behaviors. Today, professionals and clients in both the bodywork and the psychotherapeutic fields nationwide are turning to Peter A. Levine's breakthrough Somatic Experiencing® methods to actively overcome these challenges.

In Healing Trauma, Dr. Levine gives you the personal how-to guide for using the theory he first introduced in his highly acclaimed work Waking the Tiger. Join him to discover: how to develop body awareness to "renegotiate" and heal traumas by "revisiting" them rather than reliving them; emergency "first-aid" measures for times of distress; and nature's lessons for uncovering the physiological roots of your emotions.

"Trauma is a fact of life," teaches Peter Levine, "but it doesn't have to be a life sentence." Now, with one fully integrated self-healing tool, he shares his essential methods to address unexplained symptoms of trauma at their source-the body-to return us to the natural state in which we are meant to live.

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Find a comfortable place to sit, either in a chair or on the floor. I prefer that you start by sitting rather than lying down, because sometimes when you lie down, the sensations and feeling can come up more quickly and be more difficult. And, please, never try this exercise while driving. As you practice, slow down or stop altogether if the sensations begin to get too intense. Remember that your tolerance will build gradually, as you continue with all of these exercises. Begin by bringing

for that matter. If they come, that’s fine. But it is more important to observe them without interpretation or emotional attachment. Look at them; then let them go. Take it as it comes. This is the best way to learn the language of your felt sense. It is like sitting on the banks of a stream, watching the water flow by. PracticeLISTEN TO TRACK SIX Pendulation: Tracking Your Rhythms of Expansion and Contraction Now, I want you to recall an experience in which you felt mildly uncomfortable.

uplifting to be around. It is life-positive. They are considered to be “juicy.” Those around them soak up their spark and creative exuberance. Instead of being the norm, they stand out. Why is that? And what is creative life force anyway? Where does it originate? In Indian culture, it is referred to as “second chakra energy,” and it arises from our sexual organs. It is the arousal energy that made troubadours sing, the great masters compose, build, paint, create theater, and write literature

Information on this approach, known as Somatic Experiencing®, and work through the Foundation for Human Enrichment, please visit www.traumahealing.com online, or email info@traumahealing.com . On the traumahealing.com web site, you can access information about Peter A. Levine’s teaching schedule, as well as a directory of practitioners trained by the Foundation for Human Enrichment. For further reading on the subject of healing trauma, see Peter A. Levine’s Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The

In most cases, they may have been preceded by some of the earlier symptoms. However, there is no fixed rule that dictates when and if a symptom will appear. This group includes: •Excessive shyness •Diminished emotional responses •Inability to make commitments •Chronic fatigue or very low physical energy •Immune system problems and certain endocrine problems such as thyroid malfunction and environmental sensitivities •Psychosomatic illnesses, particularly headaches, migraines, neck and back

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