Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, Second Edition

Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, Second Edition

Language: English

Pages: 275

ISBN: 1482232839

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

A practical introduction, the second edition of Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics shows you how to animate fully three-dimensional incompressible flow. It covers all the aspects of fluid simulation, from the mathematics and algorithms to implementation, while making revisions and updates to reflect changes in the field since the first edition.

Highlights of the Second Edition

  • New chapters on level sets and vortex methods
  • Emphasizes hybrid particle–voxel methods, now the industry standard approach
  • Covers the latest algorithms and techniques, including: fluid surface reconstruction from particles; accurate, viscous free surfaces for buckling, coiling, and rotating liquids; and enhanced turbulence for smoke animation
  • Adds new discussions on meshing, particles, and vortex methods
  • The book changes the order of topics as they appeared in the first edition to make more sense when reading the first time through. It also contains several updates by distilling author Robert Bridson’s experience in the visual effects industry to highlight the most important points in fluid simulation. It gives you an understanding of how the components of fluid simulation work as well as the tools for creating your own animations.

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    actually more important to us in computer graphics and will guide us in solving the equation numerically. But we still will want to understand what the material derivative is and how it relates back to the traditional form of the momentum equation. For that, we’ll need to understand the difference between the Lagrangian and Eulerian viewpoints. 1.3 Lagrangian and Eulerian Viewpoints When we think about a continuum (like a fluid or a deformable solid) moving, there are two approaches to tracking

    ✐ ✐ ✐ ✐ 106 7. Fire This is appropriate particularly for modeling the fireballs due to deflagration of fuel suspended in the air, whether flammable powder or liquid-fuel mist. It’s also slightly simpler to implement than the preceding thin-flame model, since level sets are not involved, yet it can still achieve some of the look of regular flames and thus might be preferred in some instances. To a standard smoke simulation, which includes temperature T , smoke concentration s, and divergence

    compressible flow . It’s complicated and expensive to simulate, and apart from acoustics doesn’t enter that visibly into everyday life—and even sound waves are such tiny perturbations in the volume and have so small of an effect on how fluids move at a macroscopic level (water sloshing, smoke billowing, etc.) that they’re practically irrelevant for animation. What this means is that in animation we can generally treat all fluids, both liquids and gases, as incompressible, which means their volume

    nothing to be too concerned about; M = 1/(ΔxΔt) is fine just to make sure this scales properly. Finally, we take the cross-product to get fconf at the grid cell centers; we can take the appropriate averages to apply this to the different components of velocity on the MAC grid. Ideally we would connect the confinement parameter with the expected numerical dissipation of vorticity. However, this has yet to be done, but in the meantime serves as another tweakable parameter for the simulation. If set

    They no longer give information that can be reliably represented on the grid and thus have no more direct use in the simulation. However they do still represent some information, though it’s perhaps difficult to interpret strictly physically. Foster and Fedkiw [Foster and Fedkiw 01] suggest instead of deleting them, transforming them into a secondary particle system such as tiny water droplets following ballistic motion until they hit the level set again; many subsequent authors and practitioners

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