Fighting on All Fronts: Popular Resistance in the Second World War

Fighting on All Fronts: Popular Resistance in the Second World War

Language: English

Pages: 348

ISBN: 1909026921

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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white bastion in Asia, was a parliamentary democracy but denied democratic rights to many of its indigenous people. Having seized their colonies by force, the Australian authorities determined to hold on to them the same way. Australia’s mini-empire, racism and world war In the earliest days of colonisation Australia had been simply a spearhead for the British Empire. In the 1850s, however, gold rushes led to economic boom, making Melbourne and Sydney centres of capital accumulation in their

Shakai Mondai Kenkyūjō (Ohara Institute for Social Research), Annual Report on Japanese Labour 1935, p217; 1938, p132; 1965, p14; 2011, p1057. A Fujihara, Nihon Minshu no Rekishi 9: Senso to Minshu (The History of the Japanese People, vol 9: War and the People), 1975, p180; S Shioda, Nihon Shakai Undō Shi (History of Japan’s Social Movements), 1982, p62; Y Nishinarita, Kindai Nihon Rōshi Kankeishi no Kenkyū (Research on the History of Japan’s Modern Labour-Management Relations), 1988, p232. The

of Luzon, the largest and most populous island. Huk commander in chief Luis Taruc later wrote: The resistance movement that sprang up in central Luzon was unique among all the groups that fought back, in one way or another, against the Japanese. The decisive element of difference lay in the strong peasant unions and organisations of the people that existed there before the war. It gave the movement a mass base, and made the armed forces indistinguishable from the people.3 As the Japanese were

the Allies did not intend to liberate the camp, “Witold Pilecki”, Jewish Virtual Library website,; Witold Pilecki, The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery (Aquila Polonica, 2012), p168. 108  Those familiar with Slavic languages might think this is a nickname but it is in fact the real name of a woman who deserves recognition. 109  Tec, Resistance During the Holocaust; “The Revolt at Auschwitz-Birkenau”, Jewish Virtual Library,

liberation movement”.43 The critical moment for France had occurred a little earlier. Inspired by the Allied D-Day landing in June 1944, the resistance, backed by waves of strikes, intensified the pressure on the German forces occupying Paris. By August, Germany was losing control of the capital. At that moment the officially recognised leader of the Free French in London, General de Gaulle, ordered Parisians to: “Return to work immediately and maintain order until the Allies arrive”.44 This

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