Enough!: A Buddhist Approach To Finding Release From Addictive Patterns by Chonyi Taylor (July 16 2010)

Enough!: A Buddhist Approach To Finding Release From Addictive Patterns by Chonyi Taylor (July 16 2010)

Language: English

Pages: 0


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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a time. For example, what is the taste sensation in my mouth at the moment? What feelings arise in connection with this? What taste sensation do I remember and what feelings arose with each one? We take special note of any pushing and pulling that go with exaggerating each sensation. Then we try to recall each sensation without the pushing and pulling effect, with equanimity. What can I smell? What am I touching? What touches me? Closing the meditation We bring back to our mind our personal

yourself doing. Rest in that state as long as you can. Dedication Take pleasure in what you have achieved in this meditation. Now make a conscious choice that you will use the energy that comes from this pleasure to continue to make positive changes to your life. Exaggeration and Pain As we begin to find the triggers and increase our practice of mindfulness and equanimity, we begin to see that the triggers are associated with badly wanting something or desperately avoiding something. Nobody

up and the 114 Enough! white healing light can come into our body and mind, heart and soul. This is the healing light of forgiveness which recognizes that however much our mind has been filled with hatred or confusion or depression or jealousy or any other negative thoughts, we have the potential to change, to develop the same pure compassionate wisdom which is flooding through our body and mind. We stay with this healing forgiveness for a while. Repairing the harm Now that we have been

are many books which can be used to follow up the ideas presented in this book. Those with an asterisk are recommended for general reading. Anh-Huong. (n.d.). “Forgiveness and Buddhism.” Retrieved June 2009 from http://www.thepowerofforgiveness.com/pdf/Forgiveness_in_Buddhism. pdf. Anton, R.F. (1999). “What Is Craving? Models and Implications for Treatment.” Alcohol Research and Health 23 (3): 165-73. Retrieved May 2009 from http:// dionysus.psych.wisc.edu/Lit/Articles/AntonR1999a.pdf. Baer, R.

need to exercise the mind. Meditation is mental exercise. If we understand the need for mental exercises, then we can be patient toward ourselves. Patience leads us away from guilt. We might have done some stupid and shameful things, but we can change that if we give ourselves time. The mind is always changing. It is easy to understand that sometimes our mind is cloudy with hopelessness or anger or jealousy. 22 Enough! On other days we feel good. We don’t flare up so easily. On those days we

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