Discovering Feminist Philosophy: Knowledge, Ethics, Politics (Feminist Constructions)

Discovering Feminist Philosophy: Knowledge, Ethics, Politics (Feminist Constructions)

Robin May Schott

Language: English

Pages: 168

ISBN: 0742514552

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Many people believe that gender equality has been achieved. In such a world, why dwell on the dualism between the sexes? Why separate, and therefore marginalize, women's scholarship from scholarship as a whole? In short, why feminist philosophy? Discovering Feminist Philosophy provides an accessible introduction to the central issues in feminist philosophy. At the same time, it answers current objections to feminism, arguing that in today's world it is as compelling as ever to probe the impact of the dualism of the sexes. Therefore, feminist perspectives make a vital contribution to the present and future of philosophy. Author Robin May Schott also contributes an original perspective on feminist ethics, based on her work on war and rape. This unique book is equal parts survey, viewpoint, and scholarship―ideal for anyone seeking to understand the current and future role of feminist philosophy.

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nonfeminist readings by an interest in and sensitivity to questions about sexual difference and gender. By way of contrast, consider the following remark by noted American philosopher Richard Rorty: “Each historian of philosophy is working for an ‘us’ which consists, primarily, of those who see the contemporary philosophical scene as he does. So each will treat in a ‘witchcraft’manner what another will treat as the antecedents of something real and important in contemporary phil~sophy.”’~ As

subvert these dualistic structures. Feminist Epistemologies - 69 Typically, feminist discussions of objectivity work their way through the following positions: feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theory, and postmodernism. My discussion of feminist empiricism and feminist standpoint theory will focus on their implications for general questions of epistemology rather than on specific debates in philosophy of science. Furthermore, I will not focus on postmodernism per se in the subsequent

Moreover, Harding does not consider the domination of women as independent of domination based on race, class, or colonial relations. She develops a concept of strong objectivity that is historically and culturally relative, but not epistemologically relative. In her view, knowledge is always situated-hence, partial-but there are reasonable standards by which one can choose epistemological judgments that are less partial and less distorted than others. Thus, one can maintain the insight of

reporter describes as “low grumbling,” clarified later as a clear resistance to the notion that amnesty and truth could heal wounds.” The structure of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa could Feminist Ethics of Conflict - 133 not stop those seeking amnesty to publicly confess merely in order to keep their jobs in the police force. Minow defends the work of the TRC but acknowledges its imperfections. She writes, “Other alleged perpetrators lie to the commission,

reason, 35-37, 38, 42 Neiman, Susan, 17, 5 ln49 Nelson, Lynn Hankinson, 70 neo-liberalism, 143 Newsletter Women Philosophers, 16 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 10, 12, 53-54, 79 normativity, 70-71 norms, and ethics, 88-91 Norway, 136 Nussbaum, Martha, 12, 3 1 objectivity, 53-57, 60, 61, 63-64, 66-67, 69-70, 75. See also subjectivity Oliver, Kelly, 120-24 oppression, 73, 75-76, 77, 88, 91-92, 95,96-97, 110 Other, 94, 98-99, 106, 116, 123. See also concrete other outsider status, 4 Package Picture, 142

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