Culture Against Man

Culture Against Man

Jules Henry

Language: English

Pages: 511

ISBN: 0394702832

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

“One of the most telling and creative examinations of American culture and its values written in this century.” —Ashley Montagu

“Once upon a rare while a book appears that is so cogently conceived and so brilliantly executed as to command that any future work on the subject take this book seriously into account or be diminished by the failure to do so. Such is Professor Jules Henry’s analysis of contemporary America. Skillfully summoning the most trenchant theories of social and psychological organization, exhibiting a fine sense for both the uniqueness and sameness of all human societies and imaginatively employing evidence that ranges from census reports to depth interviews, Professor Henry provides us with a profound view of interconnections among American institutions, values, and character.” —Book Week, The New York Sunday Herald Tribune

“. . . the bulk of his book is superb. . . . The author goes armed with the traditional ethnographic skills of the anthropological field worker and the clinic sensitivity of a psychiatrist with a special talent for nightmare, with the controlled anger of a morally outraged man disenchanted with indignation, and a genius for phrase-making. . . . His chapters on adolescents are the most stunningly perceptive analyses of the much-scapegoated group that I have yet seen.” —The New York Times Book Review

“. . . he (the reader) will find the book as a whole a challenging personal statement by a gifted man . . . whose insight and passion he must admire. . . . The chief contribution of Culture Against Man is its relentless examination, in concrete terms, of the fears that underlie our society.” —The Saturday Review

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Southeast Asia, and the Near East would starve at our gates while we con­ tinued to digest our billions. Thus fear impels us to maximize production at home and abroad and .casts us in the role of re­ luctant .Samaritan. It is now possible to understand better why some scientific talent leaves American industry. Industries that hire most of the engineers.and scientists depend heavily on military contracts, and since they must produce the instruments of attack and defense against the Great Fear,

flaws, while assuring these girls that they have nothing to offer a man but allure. So again a culturally patterned defect, as Fromm would call it, .becomes the maid of all work for the economy, for this girl will. buy almost anything that will make her feel good. Fill her wanting eye with wishes, her will­ ing ear with answers. She will never be more open-to-buy. The same ·thing that makes her buy pure· e17Wtion., They feel before they think, they perceive before they see, they buy 17Wre on

unlo�g. So it is with Good Housekeeping. Because this magazine is woman­ caring, it must often reject what might be glitter- like in its 1 2 New York Times, May 5, 1960. Ibid., October 30, 1959. Advertising as a Philosophical System ingly attractive on the surface, but dangerous or impure in its nature or its ultimate effects."1 A pair of enormous, clinking glasses of champagne domi­ nates the page, and above them the copy reads ''To the most wonderful woman in the world!" Below and in

self-sacrificing contribution to national well-being. The recesses 1 July zB, i961. In i947 projected gross .national product for i960 was $202 billion at 1944 prices. See America's Needs and Resources by J. Frederic Dewhurst and Associates. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1947, p. 24. Correcting for about a 70 per cent price rise since 1947, this would give around $JSO billion for 1960-61. Thus the projection erred bv almost 40 per cent! 2 Advertising as a Philosophical System 85 of

wheel in effect would be equally useful if it came from non-defense public expenditures. The danger is solely that with a reduction in defense expenditures it will be hard to induce the Congress to provide non-defense public expenditures of anywhere near comparable magnitude. [Italics supplied.] Fundamentally, my reasoning should be correct regardless of whether we ever solve our "Russian problem" or not; for the theoretical point is that the institutions, values, and emotions of a culture

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