360 Films Classics

360 Films Classics

Michael Wood

Language: English

Pages: 24

ISBN: 2:00285996

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Though the British Film Institute project of publishing its Film Classics series began in the early 1990s, the BFI didn't reveal the full list of the 360 films slated for monographs until 1998, in the form of this booklet attached to one of the issues of Sight and Sound. The project began as a preservation effort to create 360 "show" prints for the BFI theater, with accompanying monographs. Soon the books expanded to the Modern Classics series, in distinguishing black themed covers, while carrying on with the "360" at the rate of about 15 a year. This booklet also includes an essay by Michael Wood on the films and the process.

This isn't the world's best scan (you can see part of the scanner's hand from time to time), but it is a readable copy of this hard-to-find book until a professional scan comes along.

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The Mexican Cinema of Darkness: A Critical Study of Six Landmark Horror and Exploitation Films, 1969-1988

27 Movies from the Dark Side

What is Cinema?, Volume 2

Vertigo (BFI Film Classics)

Britton on Film: The Complete Film Criticism of Andrew Britton (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series)















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